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Trend Micro AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware 2010

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CNET editors' review

Reviewed by: Seth Rosenblatt on August 27, 2009

Trend Micro AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware is a stripped-down security option, offering only the most basic of protection. That's not a bad thing, but except for the Smart Protection Network, which leverages anonymous data from customers to block malicious threats that are manifesting on users' computers, we're not sure how this differs from its freeware competitors.

There is strong customer service, of course, and the user account-style lockdown to prevent unauthorized changes to programs. However, the program lacks consistent performance, and a lack of recent independent testing numbers on Trend Micro has made it equally hard to determine how effective it is. Unless you're a die-hard fan of Trend Micro, we'd advise staying away from the bare-bones AntiVirus and AntiSpyware version this year.

Publisher's description

From Trend Micro :

Trend Micro AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware is an essential security you need to safeguard all your data and files. With automatic scans, updates, and outbreak alerts, you can rest easy knowing you have systematic, ongoing protection against the latest malicious viruses, worms, Trojan horse programs, and spyware. This product is powered by the PC-cillin Internet security engine, proven technology that protects your computer from unforeseen intrusions.

Key features include: prevent unauthorized changes, enhanced software history cleaner, improved Web browser cookie management, customizable security warnings, security activity report, fully compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista install trend, protection against viruses, protection against spyware, computer scans, real-time protection, quarantined file recovery rather than immediately deleting potential or uncleanable threats, Trend, automatic updates and outbreak alerts.

CNET Editor's Note: This product is the 32-bit version of Trend Micro AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware.

Caring for Dry Skin

Caring for Dry Skin

* Body wash in the bath with warm water. and should not be too long to soak in bathup because the skin loses its natural moisture making it easy to dry.
* Apply moisturizer when your body is still in a state of moisture.
* Avoid soaps that contain perfumes.
* Avoid using skin care products alcohol.
* Do not often wash the face with water because it can mengurangikelembapannya.
* Choose a moisturizer that contains emollients and use every day.
* Always use sunscreen, select sunscreens that use at least SPF 15.
* Dry skin usually tend to be coarse and easily cracked, because it rutinlah do exfolisasi to lift dead skin cells.



Busy work or household affairs are frequently used as an excuse to not regulate eating patterns. Do not let this condition protracted, because you do not want the scale needle move on to the right, is not it?

Here are 22 practical tips you can practice daily:


1. Include fruit

Enter your fruits in the breakfast menu. Fibers contained in daiamnya able to make you feel more full. However, to cut income calories, avoid fruit in the form of juice. For example, a glass of orange juice contains 120 calories. However, citrus fruits contain only 60 calories. Efficient and still meet the intake of vitamin C that disara

2. The importance of carbohydrates
Anita Bean, a nutrition expert author of Fitness on a Plate, suggested to eat carbohydrates at breakfast than in the afternoon or evening. The reason, carbohydrates are consumed in the morning is mostly converted into energy rather than stored into fat deposits, it is more likely to occur in the carbohydrates consumed at meal time right malam.Tambahan also will help boost your metabolism working, so the body will burn more calories efficiently throughout the day.

3. Select high-fiber menus
Based on a study, those who are in daily foods lower in fat and 26 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories will lose weight faster than those who only consume 7 grams of fiber a day. Select menu items such as fruit, vegetables, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, or cereal grain mengandum.

In the Office

1. Replace your tea with green tea
Drinking just two cups of green tea every day can help you burn about 70 calories more a day. Content of antioxidants, namely katein, and flavonoidnya believed to increase metabolism working. In addition, green tea is also potentially reduce the risk of getting cancer and heart disease.

2. Full cream or lowfat?
You used to drink milk? Good! Good habits so that it becomes a better, consume low-fat milk or even, without the fats that can save almost 100 calories, but contains more calcium takes away full cream milk. Besides strengthening bones, calcium also plays a role spur the body to burn more fat.

3. Many drinking
Many people can not distinguish between hunger and thirst. We thought that was hungry (though, actually thirsty), you will consume food, (which actually does not need you consume) and then, how do I tell? Drinking a glass of water and wait until the 10th minute to see if you are still hungry. If yes, then you are hungry.


1. Eat fruit first
Again more about the benefits of fruit. One study showed that women who ate 1 apple or pear before eating lunch, more weight loss than those who do not yet, the lunch menu is the same two groups of women. The fruit is rich in fiber which will make you more full, thus reducing the rations for lunch and snacking desires afterward.

2. Better yourself
It was fun having lunch with friends. More and more, more fun, but beware the bad side. Studies conducted by Georgia State University in the United States show that people tend to consume more food when eating with friends. If you eat with one person, you will consume 28% more food, along with two people 41% more, and with six people or more 76% more! Wow! You are not forbidden to eat lunch at the same time hanging out with my friends. However, its frequency should be limited and watch your meal.

3. Select a soup course
In one study was found that those who ate soup for lunch getting fewer calories than those who eat other foods that have the same content like soup, in addition to efficient calorie, also feels more filling soup.

4. Include protein
Besides carbohydrate, protein metabolism was required, among other functions to maintain the level of metabolism and suppress appetite. Should add protein such as fish, chicken without skin, lean meat or beans every time you eat.

5. Eat slowly
Why Americans are more susceptible to obesity than the French? the answer is, not only because Americans are eating more, but also because French people really enjoy their food in every chew, so tend to eat slowly. This causes the stomach will feel full more cepal which in turn helped to suppress appetite and eating. For those of you who are unfamiliar, try this trick: put a spoon or fork when you're chewing, drinking mineral water after each chew, and chew food a few times before swallowing.

Snack Time

1. Snack? Why not!
Importantly, the portion not excessive and the frequency is limited.

Strictly follow the diet was good. However, occasionally flexible also not prohibited. In the long run this will help you maintain your weight.

At the Supermarket

1. Make a shopping list and stick to hard
Yes, any shopping need high discipline. If not, you will easily be tempted by the tasty but high-calorie foods. In addition, unless'm shopping cart instead of a monthly habit of using a trolly. So when the basket is full, you will bring berkelihng lazy and go directly to the cashier.

2. Select a filling snack
For example, nuts. Beans contain protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamin E and magnesium. Snack peanuts are considered an effective control hunger, because the body would adjust income spontaneously calories, so do not need extra calories. Nevertheless, the limit is no more than 60-70 calories per day, because you can also experience obesity if consumed excessively nuts.

3. Avoid fizzy drinks
Better to choose bottled water than cola, because it will save about 133 calories a bottle and shut the possibility of 'theft' of calcium by the soda. Better still if you buy a gallon of mineral water in the form of a rechargeable,


1. Two or three species only
Meet the wedding invitations at prestigious hotels? Hmm ... must be a direct mind is a delicious and varied menu. Plus the desire to eat everything. According to Tufts University, United States, in fact it is only natural. However, you sacrifice tegakah diet that had traveled so far? The solution, limit the variations to two or three types only.

2. Start with salad
A bowl of salad that contains lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers with fat-free salad dressing and light mozzarella cheese roughly equivalent to 100 calories. Consume it first makes you automatically eat less food in the main. That means reducing the total revenues for approximately 12% of calories compared to when not eating salad.

3. Use smaller plates
Habits in our country is spending food presented on a plate, no matter how many calories of food and size of these plates. To menyiasatinya, use smaller plates. You will feel full by eating less.

4. Rich flavor, low calorie
Most herbs or spices, except walnut, has a calorific value is small. Tuti according Sunardi, culinary expert. So, if you love to cook from want berekspenmen with various spices, go ahead. May also try herbs such as basil, cilantro, or parsley.

5. Restrict carbohydrate
High-protein foods, such as fish, is the best dinner option to control body weight. This is because protein makes you full longer. If you want to consume carbohydrates, avoid simple, because it is more likely to be stored as fat rather than used as energy.

6. Enjoy chocolate
Indulge yourself with chocolate pudding or chocolate cake be after dinner. Origin of basic material of at least 70% cocoa, chocolate flavor tastes can be satisfied, until you feel satisfied and avoid the desire to snack at night. Still, you do have to get used to limit the intake to a maximum of two pieces.

7. End the day with cold water
You can increase the metabolism of approximately 30% by consuming a large glass of cold water. Apparently, the body will warm the cold water is a way to burn calories. Roughly similar to the way the body burns calories in the digestive process. In each 500 ml of cold water that you swallow, will burn approximately 24 calories.


pepaya benefits

Papaya benefits and how to use
Protein content in papaya fruits are not too high, only 4-6 grams per kilogram weight of fruit. But almost all can be digested and absorbed by the body. Protein digestibility of this reminds us to more carefully choose the foods that contain high-protein foods may not necessarily benefit the body. What matters is whether or not the protein is easily absorbed by the body.

High blood pressure, difficulty defecating, arthritis, seizures and diabetes are diseases that arise because the process of digestion is not perfect.

Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain. This enzyme is very active and has the ability to accelerate the process of protein digestion. Digesting protein is the main problem faced by many people in the general pattern of daily meals. The body has limitations in digesting proteins caused by a lack of spending hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

The fiber in the biological papaya fruit to balance blood cholesterol levels, also launched a bowel movement

Papain can break down the protein into arginine. Arginine compound is one of the essential amino acids in normal conditions can not be manufactured in the body and are usually obtained through foods such as eggs and yeast. But when the enzyme papain pencerbaan proteins involved in the process, naturally some proteins can be converted into arginine.

The process of formation of arginine with papain was also influencing the production of human growth hormone is popularly known as human growth hormone (HSG), because arginine is one of the compulsory draft in the formation of HGH. Now, HGH is what helps improve the health of muscles and reduce fat accumulation in the body. Other important information, laboratory test showed arginine serves to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

Papain can also break down foods containing protein and to form various amino acid compound which is autointoxicating or automatically removes unwanted substances formed due to incomplete digestion.

Papain function helps arrangement of amino acids and helps remove body toxins. In this way the immune system can be improved.

Papaya can also speed up the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. The enzyme papain is able to break down the fibers of the meat, so meat is more easily digested.

Papaya has antiseptic properties and helps prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the gut. Papaya helps normalize the pH of the intestine so that the situation became normal intestinal flora.

Papain formed in all parts of the fruit, good skin, flesh, and seeds. So papaya should be fully exploited. In fact, for those who experience digestive problems, are advised to eat fruit and papaya seeds.

Fruit is still mengkal or half cooked have a higher nutrient content than ripe fruit. But women who want to have children or are pregnant are prohibited from consuming it, because the fruit has the effect of raw and mengkal abortionist. Because the effects of this one, in many countries such as Papua New Guinea and Peru, papaya is used as a contraceptive. Advice for pregnant women, if you want to get the properties of papaya, eat only fruit that is ripe.

If added to the papaya seeds in pickles, vinegar, or cooking oil will improve the flavor. Papaya seeds are also nutritious kill intestinal worms.

Papaya can be used to wrap meat before cooking because the enzyme papain is able mengempukkan meat. Papaya also accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers baker.

Hopefully remain diligent farmers to plant fruit and papaya trees papaya plants to maintain their sustainability for the many benefits of this. Thus easily obtained papaya wider community and the price is still cheap.
Papaya tree has been known since long ago as a nutritious plant or herb that can meyembuhkan various diseases.
Papaya appears to have myriad benefits for the body. Do not misunderstand me taste bitterness behind it save that so many properties. And what are they? We know that papaya is also good for the body, but also leaves should not be underestimated.

Astra Honda Motor Racing HRC Back degree

Astra Honda Motor Racing HRC Back degree

Action Ratukore Rey, 1 champion in the 125cc class Honda tune up seeded Ducks (MP1). Doc. Astra Honda Motor

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) in collaboration with Honda Main Dealer, again held a series of Honda Racing Road Racing Championship (HRC). Championship race held annually in six series in six cities, the plan dilangsunga April 10 to 11 until 6 to 7 November 2010.

"HRC is one of Honda's commitment in supporting the development of sport motor sport in Indonesia, besides the support of several racing teams in the event Indoprix and Motoprix," said Julius Aslan, Marketing Director of PT AHM, in his press statement, in Jakarta, Monday (12 / 4).

In addition, continued Julius, the event was also intended to support several racing teams in the event Indoprix and Motoprix. "This annual racing event is expected to be a crater Candradimuka for delivery drivers excel at national and international levels in the future," said he.

In fact, besides believed capable of reducing the activity of wild races, the championship race that carries the theme 'Break Your Limits with Honda Blade' is also expected to become the vehicle to prove the toughness of Honda engines besutan model.

"HRC is also one means of proving robustness and reliability of Honda engines in motor racing, including the motor model skutik" said Julius.

The first round was held in Kemayoran Jakarta on 10-11 April, both in Yogyakarta on 8-9 May, the third in Lampung on 5-6 June. Meanwhile, the fourth in Bandung on 17-18 July, the fifth in Bali on 16-17 October, and the sixth round and final round will be held at the Park Kenjeran Surabaya in the upcoming November 6-7.

The class consists of seven classes contested race. First, Ducks Honda 125 cc 4 Step Tune Up Seeded (MP1). Second, Duck Honda 110 cc 4 Step Tune Up Seeded (MP2). Third, Duck Honda 125 cc 4 Step Starter Tune Up (MP3). Fourth, Duck Honda 110 cc 4 Step Starter Tune Up (MP4).

While the fifth grade is, Honda 130 cc 4 Matic Standard Step Starter. Sixth, Honda 130 cc 4 Matic Tune Up Step Open (Seeded + Starter). While the seventh grade is a 110 cc Honda 4 Blade Starter Standard Local - maximum age 16 years.

Happenings gifts, Julius said, the race this year, it provides a grand prize of six motor units consisting of four units of the Honda Blade Honda Beat and the two units. "In addition there will be another appreciation for the winner in the form of various attractive prizes worth tens of millions of rupiah," he tanbah.

Vice Chairman of the Assembly Question Susno Arrest Reason

Vice Chairman of the Assembly Question Susno Arrest Reason

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta-Vice Chairman of the Assembly, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin Police Headquarters immediately asked to clarify the legal basis and reasons for the arrest of former Chief of Criminal Investigation Body, Commissioner General Susno Duaji. "If there is no public explanation would be more suspicious and more memperpuruk image of the Police," he told Tempo, Monday (12 / 4).

Propam Police Headquarters, arrested Susno afternoon when he was at Soekarno-Hatta Airport. Susno plans going to Singapore to conduct health check-ups.

According to Lukman, anyone tabf intend to dismantle the practices of manipulation and corruption just have to get protection., Rather than silenced. "The police should be able to explain in brightly lit reasons this arrest," he said.